Sewer services on rail and road

We offer the following services for engineering firms and specialist planners:

  • Sewer cleaning on rail and road (track drainage, stations, tunnels, bridges, etc.)
  • Sewer cleaning and digital sewer TV of new drainage systems with two-way vehicles (final cleaning with quality control for building inspections)
  • Sewer cleaning and digital sewer TV of existing drainage systems with two-way vehicles (lime milling work, inventory, condition recording, etc.)
  • Suction of sludge collectors with and without recycling
  • Tunnel/wet cleaning (tunnel vaults, verges and lanes)
  • Georeferenced 3D pipe routing measurement with Geosense camera
  • Shaft measurement with GPS measuring device (xyz coordinates)
  • Pipe and manhole location
  • Tightness testing
  • Sewer rehabilitation
  • Inventories (inventories, preparation of manhole logs, etc.)
  • Preliminary investigation for sewer applications
  • Technical consulting
  • 24-hour emergency service

Brochure Rail & Road

Fact-Sheet Digital Channel TV

Fact-Sheet Route-Cleaning d-f-e

Rail & Road AG Kanalservice
Leberngasse 7, 4603 Olten

T 061 717 17 96

Wölferstrasse 15, 4414 Füllinsdorf

Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe

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